Post-Vasectomy Test

It is vital to check for any remaining sperm in the semen, following a vasectomy procedure.

What is a Post-Vasectomy test?

Vasectomies are a popular method of male contraception and whilst the procedure failure rate is low, it is vital to check that the procedure has worked and your semen sample is completely clear of any remaining sperm cells.

We recommend having a post-vasectomy analysis before stopping the use of other contraception methods. The procedure is considered successful if there are no sperm remaining in the semen sample analysed.

How should I prepare for the test?

We recommend having your first test 12 weeks after the vasectomy procedure. You must also ensure you have ejaculated at least 20 times before the test, to ensure all of the sperm have cleared from the testicles.

What will the results show?

The test report will let you know if there are any sperm remaining in the sample, and if they are motile or immotile (moving or not). If there are any sperm remaining, even in very small quantities, we would advise further ejaculations and a repeat test at 16 weeks post-op.

The Male Fertility Clinic is a diagnostic service and so results and the success of the operation is a discussion that you must have with your operating surgeon; although we can discuss the report with you, we are unable to authorise ceasing the use of other contraception methods.

What is the difference between an in-clinic test, a postal test and an at-home test?

At-Home test kits are a quick and convenient way to understand if the sperm remaining in your sample are below a certain threshold; however they cannot give a true value, and most importantly cannot detect if the sperm are motile. If the remaining sperm are moving, this could mean there is a higher risk of an unwanted pregnancy occurring.

For this reason, postal samples should be avoided. If there are motile sperm remaining, this can only be determined by analysis of a fresh sample as the cells will begin to slow down or die after only a few hours, especially if exposed to low temperatures (as they would be in a postal depot!)

For these reasons, an in-clinic test is the most efficient and reliable form of post-vasectomy testing.

How to Book

You can book a test by clicking ‘Book Your Test’ on the home page navigation - when you go through to the booking page, there will be a box asking if you have had a vasectomy, if so please tick the box so we can send you the correct information prior to your appointment (the information differs slightly from Semen Analysis bookings). Thank you.