What to Expect


Step 1.

When you book an appointment with The Male Fertility Clinic, you will be sent an email with information you may find useful - please be sure to check your junk folder.

You must abstain from ejaculation for between 2 and 7 days, prior to your appointment for the most accurate result.

If you choose to produce your sample at home: You’ll receive a sample collection pack in the post.  This will arrive in discrete packaging – please keep it intact until the day of your appointment, when you will need to produce your sample by masturbation, into the pot provided.  It is important to keep the sample warm and to deliver it to the clinic within one hour of production. 

If you choose to produce your sample on site:

You’ll be given a sterile pot and a short questionnaire to fill in when you arrive for your appointment. The room is cleaned thoroughly between visits, with hand washing facilities and WiFi available.

Step 2.

Please arrive promptly at your appointment time - you will be greeted by the Andrologist, who will carry out the analysis for you.  If dropping off, you will not be required to stay long as you just need to hand over your sample – if you have any questions to ask at this point, then please stay for a chat!  If producing on site, you will be free to leave once the sample is complete.

Step 3.

Your results will be available within 3 working days of your original appointment.  You will be emailed a copy of your report, with a concise explanation of your results provided by our Clinical Scientist. 

If there is anything at all on your report that you’d like to discuss with us, or you would like advice about what to do next then we will be happy to answer your questions.

Feel free to send us an email, or for a more in-depth discussion you can book a follow-up consultation with one of our knowledgeable Andrologists - the cost of this is £55.

We always recommend a chat with your GP or fertility consultant, as they can make further recommendations based on your medical history.